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Nintendo Labo: here's every good, bad and asshole opinion about Nintendo's new cardboard toys you'll see today

It doesn't take much to freak the gamer community out.

Cardboard toys? Priced at $70? From Nintendo?

That's all it takes. A genuine surprise. An out of the blue announcement that takes Nintendo's hit Switch console and flips ideas of what a game and toy can be.

It takes balls and free minds to come up with something like that. Everyone else has been too busy chasing Battle Royale modes.

So here we have Nintendo Labo, a set of card construction kits that turn the Switch into a robot suit, VR vehicle, musical instrument, fishing rod and more.

Combine that surprise with the need for everyone in 2018 to have an opinion and the snake-filled shitpit that is social media, and you'll find all of these unwelcome hot takes endlessely spewing up on your timeline for the next 24 hours.

Well done, everyone.


Let's start with the new and and innovative ways people are thinking of using the Nintendo Labo.

You can always rely on games journalists to strike a blazing hot take.


Here's some hip-shooting', straight talkin'

Where would the internet be without a moggy or two?

The joke here is you get a piece of cardboard and draw a console on it and then it looks like a cardboard console that idiots would spend too much money on, you see?

Hey, Twitter isn't all sniping and outrage. Some of it is genuinely funny.

Double nerd joke!


And finally, this one's worth the wait...

Do you have a hot take you'd like to share? Please, put it on social media and not in the comments section below so we don't have to see it.

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