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Nintendo Knitting Machine was a real thing for NES back in 1987

The Nintendo Knitting Machine was apparently something real at one time, according to an old flier posted on the Facebook page belonging to former NOA chairman Howard Lincoln.

Shown off during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas way back in 1987, the Nintendo Knitting Machine allowed NES users to create a design on the console, and then knit the actual pattern.

After it's fabled appearance, the peripheral - if that's what you can call it - was never seen again until Lincoln posted a scan of the flier which was handed out at the show.

“Mr Arakawa (NOA's president from 1980 -2002) asked me with just 30 minutes notice to give Toys R Us chairman Charles Lazarus a live demo," said Lincoln. "[It was] likely one of my least genuinely enthusiastic demos.”

Some things, you just can't make up.

You can see the brochure in full through the link.

Thanks, Nintendo Gamer and Super Mart.

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