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Nielsen: Wiis make up 59% of consoles in US living rooms

A new survey by Nielsen suggests the Wii dominates US living rooms, as well as providing the opportunity to ask people where they keep their Wii. Hurh hurh.

Gamasutra reports Nielsen found 59 percent of US respondents with consoles in their living rooms have Wiis.

The PlayStation 3 is hot on Nintendo's heels with 53 percent, with the Xbox 360 trailing at 45 percent.

The Wii's glut of family and motion titles was cited as an explanation for its prevalence, with other consoles expected to catch up on the strength of new motion control systems.

Gamers who keep their consoles elsewhere usually have them in the bedroom, although seven percent put them in the basement.

The master bedroom is a popular spot at ten percent, with only one in five of bedroom consoles being in a child's room.

Of consoles in kids' bedrooms, the Xbox 360 is the most popular. That makes sense; you need privacy from authority figures to get a really offensive rant on over Live.

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