News from Japan: Dragon Quest Builders 2 is related to Dragon Quest 2, the stress of pooping in Disaster Report 4
Our weekly round-up of Japanese news shares more details on Dragon Quest Builders 2 and the pooping problems of Disaster Report 4.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is related to Dragon Quest II
Following the commercial and critical success of the first Dragon Quest Builders game, Square Enix has development under way for the sequel which will release on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Famitsu spoke with producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto and director Kazuya Niinou about progress and new details.
As one would expect, they received a lot of requests from fans including the implementation of four-player multiplayer and the ability to build up higher. Those calling for the latter will be pleased to hear that it's already possible to build three times higher in Builders 2 than the first game. Regarding multiplayer, they haven't quite decided on a plan yet but expressed they'd like to add more than just the simple ability to play together, suggesting the addition of a playground of some kind.
On the single player end, all that can be shared at this point in time is that one will not need to play the first Dragon Quest Builders to be able to enjoy and understand this one, and that there will be a traveling youth named Malroth. There will be a connection to Dragon Quest II, which Malroth appears in, but they reassure that one doesn't need to know the story of that game either before starting Dragon Quest Builders 2.
Also, a bonus will be awarded upon importing save data from the original Dragon Quest Builders. No localization has been confirmed as of yet.
Square Enix: Idol Fantasy?
Square Enix trademarked “Idol Fantasy,” in Japan. This could mean many different things. Could be a Final Fantasy XIV event, a mobile rhythm game on mobile or 3DS a la Theatrhythm, a home console rhythm game making idols of Final Fantasy characters similar to the Persona Dancing titles, a new idol IP completely unrelated to Final Fantasy, or for the dreamers out there perhaps it's some reference to Final Fantasy X-2 which had some idol allusions.
Let the rumors begin.
Go to elementary school in Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories
The newest Disaster Report title in a now fairly-long-running series has a detailed preview in the weekly release of Famitsu, showcasing an elementary school which has been turned into an emergency shelter. The series is currently made by Granzella, who bought the IP from Irem and already released the similar title City Shrouded in Shadow.
Due to the disaster, many types of people are forced to live in overcrowded school emergency shelter, where they sleep in the gym, separated by cardboard, and use pool water for cleaning and everything but drinking. Some even sleep in the school yard. Naturally, confrontation is inevitable in such a stressful situation.
There are portable toilets, but not nearly enough as there consistently long lines which further adds to the irritation many feel. Details describe some of these people as becoming irritated out of their inability to poop. Naturally, toilet paper, along with a flashlight, is a carry-able item for the player. Both can be put in your backpack, of which there are several types with different capacities. Another item that returns in the Disaster Prevention manual, which will help you get through both the game and a real-life disaster.
The aforementioned stress is no joke. If the player character becomes too stressed, they will lose health and eventually even take damage and die. So it will be important to deal with and help many people. There are over 60 such characters in the game and plenty of choices, including humorous ones, to choose from when talking with them.