New study shows gamers aren't fat, sex-starved, reptilious little nerds after all
Results of an IGN Entertainment and Ipsos MediaCT quantitative study of US gamers entitled "Are You Game?" has revealed that the old stereotype of people who play videogames being more akin with other, more disgusting life-forms than human, simply doesn't hold water any more.
The study showed that:
- 55 percent of gamers polled were married, 48 percent have kids, and new gamers – those who have started playing videogames in the past two years—are 32 years old on average
- More than 47 percent of people living in gaming households saying that videogames were a fun way to interact with other family members
- Gamers are 13 percent more likely to go out to a movie, 11 percent more likely to play sports, and 9 percent more likely to go out with friends than nongamers
- Gamers are twice as likely to go out on dates as nongamers in a given month
Arstechnica has loads more proof that you're actually well adjusted and completely normal for living on cereal and not leaving your bedroom for three days, if you're interested.
By Mike Bowden