New Pokémon announcement expected in January
A Japanese magazine is carrying a tease of an upcoming Pokémon game announce.
Both Andriasang and point to a tease in the pages of this month's issue of Coro Coro Comics.
The magazine is claiming to have an exclusive world reveal of a new Pokémon game in its next issue, which arrives on January 14.
Rumours have been swirling for some weeks of a new game announce, centred on the upcoming Jump Festa event this weekend. Jump magazine had teased a "big surprise" and something on the showfloor related to Pokémon. Perhaps the Pokémon Company's plans have changed - or maybe it has two games in the works. Or, you know, less fun interpretation, the word "exclusive" is being abused.
Series fans are expecting the announce of a core Pokémon game for the 3DS, or a Pokémon "Grey" version, despite Nintendo's insistence that no such game is planned.
Thanks, MTV Multiplayer.