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New PlayStation Home space revealed

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Below you can see some brand new screenshots of the Café, a brand new location in Son'y lifestyle app, PlayStation Home.

There isn't that much going on as yet but that's to be expected said a Home beta manager on the official PlayStation forums.

"As with all things in Home, the cafe evolves over time. Remember, we're in BETA," said the rep..

"It is a public space, for everyone's enjoyment. Give it a spin, give us feedback, and watch it grow. We encourage you to actively participate in this BETA version of Home.

"While specific events will be hosted in the Cafe, in the end it will be used for all the same purposes every other space in Home is - socializing with other PS3 users. That's what Home is about. But that's not to say that we can't turn it into something different if that is what the community calls for. Ah, the joys of being in BETA..." the rep added.

Check it out after the break.

By Mike Bowden

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