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Narrative structure of Homefront "came first", says Kaos Studios


Kaos Studios' creative director, Sean Dunn, has said the team worked on the narrative structure for its FPS Homefront, before anything else.

Speaking with Gamasutra, Dunn said the team worked hard to get character story arcs correct, and add in more depth to the game than just "shooting people in the face".

"Really the narrative structure for the game came first," he said. "We did pay heavy attention to what players like to do, and the types of variances that you need to have in place so that players don't get fatigued.

"In a shooter, you're generally doing the same thing over and over and over and again, and that's shooting people in the face, so you try to provide the variance in how you approach that, the styles and the visual style of an area, the paces of an area, the number of enemies -- different approaches, whether they're stealth, or balls-out, or things like that."

"But within that is the importance of getting actual characters' arcs in correctly, and getting the acts of the story in, and making sense, and having meaning, and whatnot, so we really feel the drive to play it out."

The developers also want players to have an emotional response while playing the game, and some of the early previews for the game seem to indicate Kaos accomplished its goal.

Homefront releases next March for PS3, 360 and PC. A multiplayer demo is planned.

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