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Mystic Messenger: 707 route tips and resources (Deep Story)

Mystic Messenger's 707 is the most important character in the original game, in terms of understanding the overall story. Here's how to capture his heart and unlock those secrets.

Our Mystic Messenger guide wouldn't be complete without a page devoted to 707, the mysterious agent with an unknown connection to the antagonistic Mint Eye.

707 is only available in Deep Story, and because his route contains the most complete understanding of the overall plot in the original game, you should play him last. Our suggested play order is Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin and finally 707 - before moving onto his Secret After Endings and then onto Another Story.

Energetic and offbeat, 707 is a gentle troll with an absolute genius for hacking and inventing. He loves to goof off and and tease his pals in the RFA, and although they sometimes become exasperated with his antics and jokes, they have great respect for his skills and talents. Creator of the messaging app itself, he rarely meets the others in meat space, as he's kept tremendously busy by his shadowy and demanding day job. Hey, it pays the bills - and keeps him well supplied with the snacks and sports cars he loves.

707 is a tricky catch. To win his heart you'll have to be playful and creative, joining in with his tricks and antics - but also willing to persevere when he lets the mask drop and shows you the other side of his lifestyle.The key is to remember that while it may not always be time to play, it's definitely always time to care. Show courage and strength and 707 will come to believe you're someone he can afford to let into his life.

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When you strike a spark from 707 you'll earn a red heart, although that doesn't guarantee you've made a choice related to a good ending. Here are some general pointers for taking the right approach to conversation with 707:

  • Play along with Seven, joining in his games
  • Flirt and be open about your interest in 707
  • Compliment 707 on his hacking skills and and show respect for them
  • Show concern for 707's welfare without denigrating his lifestyle
  • Encourage 707 to balance work and life
  • Demonstrate interest in 707's life and emotional world
  • Keep it light and playful on Day 1 through Day 4
  • Forget about the party and focus on 707 after Day 9
  • Don't flirt with Jumin; you won't get breaks but it's easy to end up on the wrong route
  • Don't blame 707 or scold him for slacking off when there are security breaches
  • Don't act as if 707 belongs to you while he's trying to be distant
  • Don't excessively nag 707 for attention while he's working
  • Don't insist on joking and playing on Day 5 onwards
  • Don't allow Saeran to convince you to doubt 707


Detailed 707 resources

Return to our Mystic Messenger guide and walkthrough hub for more resources, or hit up the Mystic Messenger character hub if it was another heart you were hoping to win.

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