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MW2 Stimulus Pack day-one buyers get seven more days of XBL Gold


When we think of a good day-one launch, we generally picture the opposite of what happened to Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus Package. Instead of landing gracefully on players' Xboxes, the DLC crashed and exploded, and Microsoft spent hours scrambling to pick up the pieces.

So, you're probably hoping for some kind of apology, right? Too bad.

Turns out, near as we can tell, that these seven free days of XBL Gold have nothing to do with the aforementioned DLC disaster. Apparently, this is a reward for your "loyalty" to Microsoft's online platform.

"To thank you for your loyalty to Xbox LIVE and for buying the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus package on day 1, we will extend your Gold membership for 7 more days of adrenaline-pumping action with your friends on LIVE. Your account will be updated by May 1," reads a message sent out to day-one buyers of the Stimulus Package.

Ok, Microsoft. We get it. Skirting the issue will get you nowhere, but free stuff totally makes up for that. We forgive you. Just try not to let it happen again, m'kay?

Thanks, Kotaku.

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