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Morrowind 2011 mod finished, 4Gb hosting solution required [Update]


A chap called Warwon's made a Morrowind mod that makes the ageing RPG look as though it wasn't made in 2002. Unfortunately, he's got no way of releasing it.

The guy's work makes the game look pretty special, as you can see in the video below, what with its shiny new textures and all. Despite being complete, though, Morrowind 2011 is 4Gb in size and Warwon's got nowhere to host it.

The official site's here. If you can help this get public, you should probably sort it out. As Joystiq points out, it's a pretty long wait until the end of 2011 and the release of the next Elder Scrolls game, Skyrim.

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Edit: the complete 4GB mod is now available from at least two sources, both Australian sites - GamePron and Let us know if you spot any more.

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