Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate reviews drop, all the scores here
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate reviews have been hitting the west this morning. The game launches this week in the US and Europe, and we've got the scores here.
Instead of doing a review I've decided to do a pair of blogs and videos charting my progress through Capcom's massive RPG. Expect the first one later today. The game launches in the US from March 19, and in Europe March 22.
Here are the review scores in full:
Nintendo Life - 9/10
IGN - 8.8/10
Gamesvillage - 8.8/10 (Wii U edition), 8.6 (3DS edition)
GodisaGeek - 8/10
Eurogamer Italy - 7/10
gamesTM - 7/10
Digital Spy - 4/5 (Wii U), 3/5 (3DS)
Shopto - No Score
Got a score? Whack it in the comment box below and we'll add them when we can.