Monday shorts: Rovio going public, EVE Online, 3DS
Here are your shorts. And here is your irony: this piece is also short. Neat.
- Angry Birds dev Rovio plans to become a publicly-traded company in the next couple of years, according to comments made by chairman Kaj Hed to Bloomberg.
- CCP's offering anyone with an EVE Online avatar to re-customise certain parts of their character. More details on Massively.
- "Computer games become a class act," is a headline from the BBC. It says that school children are been given PSPs to "become a heroic quest to find weapons and magical items to defeat a monster" inside the school building using Augmented Reality.
- Speaking of AR, someone in Japan's made a homemade 3DS AR card where giant Miis and other things come out. Watch the video on D'Toid.
- Quantic Dream boss David Cage is so "fed up" of space marines. He told The Guardian so.