Monday shorts: RIFT, NES, Halo Reach, Minecraft, Brink
It's Monday. You're wincing at it, aren't you? Man up, kick its ass and you'll be alright. Here's your shorts first, though.
- Someone from Bungie managed to create a Stephen Colbert character for Halo Reach. Not much else to say than that.
- Grants from the National Endowment for the Arts are now being accepted for video games.
- Backflip's released a new "castle defense game" on iOS based on the third iteration in the Evil Dead film series, Army of Darkness: Defense.
- Want an original NES dev kit? Go nuts. Its yours for (currently) $305.
- Know Clippy from Microsoft Word? You all get to love him even more now in Minecraft.
- Trion Worlds has said its to update its server naming rules on RIFT.
- Get ready for Brink this week by watching a real-life parkour video and then compare it with the game.
- MobCreate has released freemium iPhone title Pucca's Restaurant. There's a write-up of it at PocketGamer.
- GSW has a piece up on gaming luminaries with mentions for Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani, Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner and Another World's Eric Chahi.
- Do you want a prop beam katana from No More Heroes? It's been auctioned off right now, with proceeds going towards relief effort in Japan.
- CTA's released a new translucent steering wheel for Kinect. It's $13. Go out and buy it now.
- CVG has a chat online with lead designer on Jagex's 8Realms Claire Blackshaw.
- Mighty Milky Way, a new title from developer WayForward, releases today on DSiWare.
- There's a fan-made newer version of Super Mario Bros. for Wii coming. It's due out in November for homebrew Wiis.
- D'Toid has a video interview with FTP MMO Marvel Universe and its writer Brian Michael Bendis.