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Modern Warfare 2 matchmaking tweaked on Xbox Live


Microsoft has posted on the XBL Operations Blog that a fix was applied to the matchmaking in Modern Warfare 2.

It's not a massive change, but it does tweak available matches so players can easily find the best fit for them and should help out in the lag department.

"When you search for a match, our servers sort through the many thousands of available matches to find the “best” potential games for you," explains the post. "We’ve changed how we determine “best”, and your country is now an even more significant factor than it was before.

"As a gamer, you want to play in a lag-free game. This means that you need to be playing with gamers who are “near you” on the Internet. This is why games like MW2 ping potential matches to determine how close they are and reject them if they’re too far away. If you live somewhere that’s geographically isolated – like Australia, for example – most of the world is not near you. The speed of light just isn’t fast enough.

"On behalf of that Australian gamer we’re now trying harder than ever to find a session in their country for them to join. Of course, this requires there to be games hosted in Australia with open slots at the moment they’re looking – but we’ve maximized the odds of those gamers getting together".

Good to know the Aussies are not being forgotten. Keep hope alive kiddos.

It's not like the game didn't sell well enough for you to be thrown to the wolves.

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