Microsoft shows post-NXE stats, no hard figures included
Xbox production head Aaron Greenberg's released a ton of stats on post-NXE Live, and it all makes for cheery reading. If you're Microsoft. And you're prepared to gloss over the fact that none of these benchmarks t have real numbers attached to them.
Bullets, all taken from Joystiq an Nelson:
- Marketplace downloads of TV episodes were up 30% and movie downloads up 49% the week after the NXE launch.
- No Netflix data was released.
- Xbox LIVE Arcade sales almost tripled in the first week after the New Xbox Experience launched.
- Post-NXE "the number of new friends added per Xbox LIVE member has risen by 33%" across both Gold and Silver Xbox Live memberships.
- UNO which was updated to include Avatar support, saw a 650% sales spike "in just one day." No actually sales figures were released.
- A Kingdom for Keflings was the second-largest XBLA launch game ever. No sales figures were released.
More through there.