MGS4 install times revealed, Kojima makes in-game Blu-ray joke
Someone over at NeoGaf has posted the in-between-chapter install times for MGS4, the total install being 4.6Gb.
This comes at the same time as an in-game conversation between Snake and Otacon is revealed where Otacon is telling Snake he doesn't have to change disks because of the capacity of Blu-ray.
As the Metal Gear Solid 4 street date was broken by Wal-Mart last week, spoilers and in-game have inevitably made their way onto the internet.
Spoilers through the link. Watch the video here.
By Mike Bowden
8 Minutes = first install, when you start the game.
Then before each act, the time it takes to install is as follows
Act 2 - 3 mins
Act 3 - 3 mins
Act 4 - 2 mins
Act 5 - 1 min