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Metaphor ReFantazio: Strohl Follower answers guide

The right answers for each of Strohl's Follower bond conversations

Metaphor ReFantazio’s Strohl Follower bond digs deeper into the young noble’s tumultuous quest for answers after humans destroy his family home. It’s gentle as Metaphor’s Follower bonds go, with fewer strict requirements than most, though you’ll still need to focus on raising one specific Royal Virtue to reach the end.

Our Strohl Follower answers guide lays out the best answers for each question so you can walk away with the most MAG possible. As with all of Metaphor ReFantazio’s bonds, Strohl’s will level up automatically, regardless of which answers you pick. However, getting the right one rewards you with additional MAG, which you need for unlocking more Archetypes and learning new Inherited Skills.If a question comes up in his bond, and we didn’t list it, it means the answer doesn’t matter. Pick whichever you like.

How to start Strohl’s Follower bond

Strohl’s Follower bond begins automatically during your trip through Nord Mines, and like with all three of the game’s early bonds, there’s no way you can miss it. Strohl’s Follower bond unlocks the Warrior Archetype, and while increasing his Follower rank comes with few special rewards outside the usual MAG discount for studying the Warrior line, you’ll need to max it out to unlock Strohl’s very good Royal Archetype.

Strohl Follower rank 2 answers

All the more reason that I have to help, somehow

  • Answer: Let’s find a way to help (+3)

All the more reason I should speak with him myself to see if that’s how he sees you

  • Answer: Let’s go talk to him (+3)

I’d rather you not have to add my personal woes to that

  • Answer: That’s what friends do (+3)

Strohl Follower rank 3 answers

You were left to the harsh truths of the royal capital too young. It’s a pity

  • Answer: Both give +3

I’ll not burden you with a wild goose chase

  • Answer: No, we do this together (+2)

Strohl Follower rank 4 answers

Stroh’s fourth Follower rank unlocks after you get the Gauntlet Runner, and you can only start it while the Runner is traveling or camped out for the night.

That there may be a clue to its whereabouts in my hometown of Halia?

  • Answer: It can make you rich (+1)

I need to seek out that inheritance, I know that much

  • Answer: Both give +1

You would join me? Does your generosity know no bounds?

  • Answer: All give +3

Strohl Follower rank 5 answers

Strohl’s next rank only unlocks after you complete the kidnapping quest in Martira and clear the main dungeon there.

I wish you could have seen it like that

  • Answer: I know I’ll see it someday (+1)

I’m going to go there and do just that, alone… but would you mind waiting nearby?

  • Answer: It’s okay to be nervous (+3)

No one expected a murderous, rampaging human

  • Answer: Try to stay calm (+1)

I’m sure he entrusted the inheritance to someone in the capital, but I have no idea who that might be

  • Answer: “No leads” and “Tell me about your father” both give +2

Strohl Follower rank 6 answers

Strohl’s rank six conversation only unlocks once you reach Imagination level three – check out our Royal Virtues guide if you’re having trouble with that – and complete the Noble’s Legacy quest.

They practically bludgeoned me with it

  • Answer: Both give +2

If you don’t mind my asking, did you hear anything else about my father during the search?

  • Answer: He was a man of virtue (+3)

Strohl Follower rank 7 answers

It matters, actually

  • Answer: Something’s off (+1)

  • Answer: Stick to your ideals (+3)

And thanks to you as well… I couldn’t have made it through without you

  • Answer: Both give +3

Strohl Follower rank 8 answers

I question whether or not I deserve to have all this

  • Answer: You do (+2)

The inheritance just happened to be in the royal capital, and the people of Halia were coincidentally in the same place

  • Answer: Luck is its own type of skill (+1)

Is…Is this all really a coincidence?

  • Answer: Both give +1

I continue to find ways I never understood my parents

  • Answer: Surely they believed in you (+4)

I’d always thought I’d been a worthless son to them

  • Answer: All give +4

And with that, Strohl’s Follower bond comes to an end, and you unlock a shiny new Royal Archetype.

If you're after more Metaphor help, check out our picks for the best Metaphor ReFantazio Archetypes to see which classes you should be prioritizing.

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