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Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is not Metal Gear Solid 5 - report

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is neither Metal Gear Solid 5, or Kojima's long-teased 'Project Ogre', CVG sources have suggested.

CVG claims that a source close to the matter has claimed that Project Ogre is a codename for what is believed to be Metal Gear Solid 5, not Ground Zeroes.

Unveiling Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes at a 25th anniversary event last week, Kojima revealed that he is currently working on more than one FOX Engine project - one for current gen, and others for next-gen. Ground Zeroes is the current-gen project.

That also leaves Kojima's Zone of the Enders project and - if CVG's source hold up - Metal Gear Solid 5. Kojima also confirmed that Ground Zeroes is a prologue to something bigger - possibly MGS 5 again.

We'll have more as it happens, but for now, visit our Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes all access page for every rumour, fact, screen and trailer from now until the game comes out.

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