Marth Amiibo getting a stock refresh in North America
Nintendo of America has announced a fresh supply of the difficult to find Marth Amiibo.
The Marth Amiibo will be back in stock in the US in late April, the platform holder said on Twitter today.
Nintendo's reference to Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is timely; the 3DS exclusive turn-based strategy title arrives in North America on March 13 ahead of its May 15 launch in Europe.
When it launches, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. will be the third western-released 3DS game with Amiibo support. Unfortunately, it's one of those unlock-extra-content dealios rather than the extra cool data storage titles like Super Smash Bros. Wii U. On the other hand, you don't need to wipe your Smash Bros. ghost data, since Amiibo can only hold data for one game at a time.
Nintendo seems to be improving its communication regarding Amiibo stock. Many collectors have been disappointed by stock shortages, and I shan't be surprised if a surplus of the gold Mario Amiibo turns out to be equally annoying for those hoping to make a dollar.