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Mafia 3 writers explain why Haitian Syndicate head Cassandra teams up with Lincoln

Mafia 3 protagonist Lincoln Clay can't win his battles alone.

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Mafia 3 is the story of Lincoln Clay, but the allies he works with are just as important to this historical tale of family, crime and revenge.

Cassandra the Voodoo Queen is one of the most intriguing cast members we've met so far; her short introductory trailer suggested she's out for revenge in Mafia 3, but told us very little else about her.

Now the new Mafia 3 behind-the-scenes video above tells us much more about Cassandra as a person. Leader of the Haitian Syndicate, she's a powerful woman and one Lincoln would be wise not to cross - if he can make her trust him.

Mafia 3 releases in October for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The first series entry since 2010, it leaves behind the fictional city mish-mash of previous Mafia games for 1960's New Orleans.

Past Mafia games were set in the 1930's and 1940's, fitting in with that old school gangster theme, but Mafia 3 is set against the background of the civil rights movement and gives us a new look at organised crime families rather than revisiting old territory.

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