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Macquarie: Wii Fit Plus and "Mario/Zelda" to be shown at E3


Macquarie Research "understands" that Nintendo will show Wii Fit Plus in its press conference at E3 next week, "which will be sold separately from the board and in a bundle and will capitalise on the 17m existing Wii Fit users".

The equity firm also expects "Nintendo to learn its lessons from last year and provide more gamer-centric announcements at E3 such as a new Zelda or Mario title for the Wii (in addition to the new Zelda for DS)."

The conference takes place on Tuesday morning next week. Nintendo confirmed last night that Reggie, Iwata and Cammie "The Teeth" Dunaway will be taking the stage for the event.

We'll be live-blogging it, obviously.

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