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Lego Fornite: How to upgrade and get rare and epic pickaxes

Upgrade your forest axe and pickaxe to harvest more advanced resources!

The crafting table upgrade screen in LEGO Fortnite, where you build upgraded tools
Image credit: Fortnite/VG247

A key part of any survival game is gradually building up a storeroom full of the best equipment, so, to take your adventure to new heights, here is how to upgrade your tools in LEGO Fortnite!

The tools you are probably most interested in upgrading are the forest axe and pickaxe. When upgraded the forest axe and pickaxe can break down more advanced materials which are used in more complex recipes - which is vital to your progress through the game.

Upgraded tools are also stronger and more durable, making harvesting lower-grade materials much easier too.

How to upgrade your tools in LEGO Fortnite

To upgrade your equipment in LEGO Fortnite, you first need to upgrade your crafting bench. You do this by pressing “R1” or “RB” to tab over to the upgrade screen, then offer some planks and Roller shells in exchange.

Now you can craft better items using the bench. This includes tools. However, you might not have all the necessary ingredients to make them yet - here’s what you need.

How to upgrade your forest axe in LEGO Fortnite

The first tool you should upgrade in LEGO Fortnite is the forest axe. This is because it grants you access to items you need to upgrade the rest of equipment.

The crafting table upgrade screen in LEGO Fortnite showing an upgraded forest axe
Image credit: Fortnite/VG247

Interact with your upgraded crafting bench and use 3 wooden rods and 3 skeleton bones to make an “Uncommon” level green forest axe.

You can then take this into a Grassland biome cave and harvest Knotroot, which you need to upgrade your pickaxe.

For further forest axe upgrades, you'll need to upgrade your crafting bench further and acquire the following items:

  • Rare Forest Axe - 5x Cut Amber, 3x Knotroot Rods
  • Epic Forest Axe - 3x Copper Bar, 3x Knotroot Rods

How to upgrade your pickaxe in LEGO Fortnite

To upgrade your pickaxe, take the Knotroot you harvested with your forest axe and process it in a lumber mill to make Knotroot rods.

The crafting table upgrade screen in LEGO Fortnite showing an upgraded pickaxe
Image credit: Fortnite/VG247

You can then use 3 Knotroot rods and 3 skeleton bones to make a Uncommon level pickaxe.

With this new pickaxe, you can harvest more advanced materials like Marble from Grassland caves.

How to get Rare and Epic Pickaxe

For further pickaxe upgrades, you'll need to upgrade your crafting bench further and acquire the following items:

  • Rare Pickaxe - 3x Sand Claw, 3x Flexwood Rod
  • Epic Pickaxe - 5x Frostpine Rod, 5x Obsidian Slab

You can also check out the required resources for other tools and items in our LEGO Fortnite recipe list.

For more on LEGO Fortnite, be sure to have a look at all the villagers you can invite to stay with you, and what sort of rewards you can actually get for upgrading your village.

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