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Can you move your village in LEGO Fortnite?

Relocating your settlement in LEGO Fortnite is tricky, but not impossible.

A LEGO Fortnite character stands by the village square and surveys the world from a hilltop.
Image credit: VG247 / Epic Games

LEGO Fortnite is a survival mode spin-off contained within Fortnite itself, styled with (as you've probably already guessed) LEGO bricks rather than the usual cartoony style. As a survival game, settlement building is naturally a big part of what you'll be doing in LEGO Fortnite, and one of the first things you're prompted to do is establish a village where your character can make their home base.

But that kind of pressure can lead to hasty decision-making, and it's all too easy to end up plonking your village square down in a location you later come to regret choosing. So, what can you do about it, and can you move your village in LEGO Fortnite?

Can you move your village in LEGO Fortnite?

Well, to get the bad news out of the way up-front, there's no way to simply pick up and move your village in LEGO Fortnite. However, there are still some things you can do if you want to relocate your settlement, so that's what we'll be going over in this guide.

What to do if you don't like your village location in LEGO Fortnite

Despite there being no simple option to move your village in LEGO Fortnite, you aren't stuck with the first location you chose, either.

First off, you can have more than one village in your world, so the simplest solution is to build another village square item and place it where you want your new settlement to be. You won't be able to simply pick up and move your buildings and furniture from your original village, unfortunately, but there's a work-around.

You can destroy a built object in LEGO Fortnite by, essentially, beating it up with your bare hands. You can do this with a tool equipped, but there's no need: it chips away at the item's durability and actually takes longer than the bareknuckle approach.

A LEGO Fortnite character punches a wooden bench down into its raw components with her bare hands.
Image credit: VG247 / Epic Games

Doing this breaks down the building or furniture piece into its original resource components, which you can pick up to essentially gain a full refund on the item. You are then, of course, free to reconstruct elsewhere, including in a different settlement if you so choose. It's a laborious process, but it will allow you to "move" your settlement, sort of.

You can destroy and rebuild your original village square object in the same way. This won't take the original village off your map, but it does allow you to reroute villager NPCs to a new main settlement where you'd prefer them to be based. Villager residents will abandon a village if they have no bed for five in-game days, so just make sure to rebuild beds for them in your new village before you run out of time.

For more on LEGO Fortnite, take a look at how to add more villagers to your town, and all the village upgrades you can look forward to getting.

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