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Left 4 Dead 2 stats reveal favorite Mutations


Valve's posted stats for Mutation modes in Left 4 Dead 2, and according to its findings, Realism Versus and Chainsaw Massacre were the two most popular of the lot.

Realism Versus was preferred by 41 percent of players during the week it was featured, a garnered 22 of L4D2 time played. This is was the main reason Valve maid it a permanent Mutation.

Chainsaw Massacre was "tried" the most, with 52 percent players getting in on the action and played 14 percent of the time.

The Hard Eight Mutation, was tried by 26 percent of players and was played 12 percent of the time during its run; and Survival Versus was tried by only 25 percent of players and only played for 4 percent of minutes logged the week it was featured.

Other modes, like Versus and Co-op, were played by 40 percent of L4D2 players daily while time playing Survival, Realism and Scavenge was split between 15 and 20 percent.

The top 3 Mutations based on percentage of players who tried it at least once:

  • 52 percent - Chainsaw Massacre
  • 45 percent - Last Man On Earth
  • 41 percent - Realism Versus

The top 3 Mutations based on percentage of players minutes during featured week:

  • 22 percent - Realism Versus
  • 14 percent - Chainsaw Massacre
  • 12 percent - Last Gnome on Earth

Valve said more Mutations are coming, like this week's Gib Fest, and it will also be  "tweaking and bringing back some of our favorites".

Get more through the links, Survivors.

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