Left 4 Dead 2 patch updates both Windows and Linux versions
Left 4 Dead 2 has been patched with updates which apply to both the Windows and Linux versions of the zombie infested shooter. One of the bigger fixes is to a Jockey exploit, the bastard, which will no longer allow players to insta-kill him when shoving the jerk mid leap. Other fixes include restoring sounds and the like. The full thing is posted below courtesy of PCgamesN. As usual, the patch will apply when you fire up Steam.
Updated some mutations to remove instances of invalid weapons or enemies
Fixed Cold Stream image in Campaign select menu
Fixed possible insta-kill when shoving a jockey who is mid-leap
Restore freezer door in co-op mode
Restore crane lowering sound
Break some barricaded doors so survivors can reach supplies
Restore missing fire particle system
Restore color correction for both Crash Course maps
Fixed survivors facing the wrong direction after intro
Restore alarm clock in downstairs bedroom for co-op mode
Restore missing rain particle systems
Restore some missing chopper pilot lines
Move survivors out of view during the escape sequence
Fixed possible insta-kill when shoving a jockey who is mid-leap
Fixed Cold Stream image in Campaign select menu
Remove ammo piles in Gib Fest Mutation
ent.GiveItem( itemname ) - Give an item/weapon by name. ("health", "katana", "rifle_ak47", etc.)
ent.GetButtonMask() - returns a bitfield of currently pressed buttons. Recognized buttons are: IN_ATTACK, IN_ATTACK2, IN_JUMP, IN_DUCK, IN_FORWARD, IN_BACK, IN_USE, IN_MOVELEFT, IN_MOVERIGHT, IN_RELOAD