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Latest PS3 firmware already hacked


Sony's security minded firmware update, 3.56, has been hacked within hours of release, re-enabling custom firmware and once more throwing the console open to homebrew developers and pirates alike.

Edge writes that Wii hacker KaKaRoTo, creator of the home-brew firmware enabling PS3 tools, tweeted that the latest version of his toolset was already updated, equipped to circumnavigate 3.56's new security features within hours of the firmware going live.

In the meantime, root-key publisher GeoHot has been slapped with a temporary restraining order preventing them from assisting others in jailbreaking their PS3 consoles.

If that's not enough to scare off the firmware fiends, then KaKaRoTok's update should spark a series of updates to custom firmware releases.

Thanks, CVG.

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