Latest Batman: Arkham Knight PC patch does little to improve VRAM issues - report
Another patch has been released for Batman: Arkham Knight on PC, and improvements are only marginal.
When the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight returned to Steam it came with a number of key fixes for some of the most glaring issues reported back when it first launched. Even so, while better than 1.0, the re-release did did not go far enough, with issues such as RAM and VRAM optimisations still affecting players.
Warner Bros. released another patch earlier in the week, which promised to improve the game's hitching and streaming issues by "optimising VRAM management." However, according to Digital Foundry's tests, improvements are only marginal, with the streaming issues on GPUs with 2GB of VRAM still present.
"Looking back at our previous tests, it seems that the improved VRAM management may have blunted some of stutter on 2GB cards as the game drops below 30fps," the site wrote.
"But the fact remains that Arkham Knight on PC clearly still requires a fundamental review of VRAM management, as opposed to small, iterative improvements."
Watch the video below for a before-and-after comparison, and read the rest of report through here.