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Kojima: Zone of the Enders 3 in development at one stage, intention still to make it

While there was no Zone of the Enders 3 announcement at TGS this weekend, Hideo Kojima has said he still intends to make the sequel. A sequel that was actually at one point in development.

He made the admission during the TGS stage show focussed on the series on Saturday, but nothing else was said on it.

The show drew in a big crowd at the weekend, so much so that it surprised and impressed Kojima, who's been producer on ZoE1 and ZoE2, to the extent he's go back to the office and have discussions with staff at Kojima Prouductions.

Here's a photo of the crowd of the show itself. Boom.

The day will come, and when it does, it'll be amazingly glorious.

Thanks, Andriasang.

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