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Kojima: AR and the cloud are the way of the future

Hideo Kojima has suggested the future will consist of augmented reality and the cloud are going to be part of the future.

The Metal Gear boss, speaking as part of a special presentation at the University of Southern California, admitted that he wasn't sure what path either of them would come into play as.

Near Peace Walker's launch last year, Kojima noted that consoles will become obsolete "in the near future," and that users should have experiences "on the go," which seemed to suggest, if not a handheld experience, the cloud.

At the USC presentation, presented by GTTV host Geoff Keighley, Kojima presented a demonstration of his new multiplatform engine, the Fox Engine, first announced at E3. By the looks of it, it was the same demo from back then.

Get a more detailed report from last night's event at Joystiq.

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