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Kinect may one day power "smart home" systems, Microsoft director hopes

Kinect could have some pretty cool applications around your home, according to Microsoft director of developer relations Michael Mott.


Speaking to SlashGear, Mott described a future where Kinect plays a role in the growing fashion for "smart homes" and automation - in other words, it will make various actions based on your preferences and behaviour, rather than because you've asked it to, sort of like temperature control systems.

"If there's two of you on the couch, what does it play? Does it bring up on screen something that's relevant to the both of you?. If I walk in the room, it would be cool to have my theme music come on, a little AC/DC to get going in the morning, perhaps," he said.

Mott said PC developers are probably central to this potential evolution, but that it's difficult to attract them with attach rates for the PC version of Kinect so low. As ever, the difficulty is driving up an attach rate without apps to back it up. A killer app would cut the Gordian knot, but Mott isn't counting on it.

"But there will be three or four of those that we think are just going to delight people," he added.

"Communications is definitely one of them, enhanced communication and even entertainment communication. I think creativity is another one of them, and I definitely think fitness and wellness is yet another one. And then there's home automation."

Thanks, Polygon.

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