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Kinect gets its first videos

kinect 3

Here we go, then. The first three videos of Kinect have appeared online, hours after it was revealed as the name of the Xbox 360 motion camera that was once known as Project Natal.

The first one is a USA Today video, which details some of the games mentioned in its earlier report, which outed the name of the tech hours ago, and also features chats with MGS VP Phil Spencer and Kudo Tsunoda.

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The second one is a lifestyle clip, which features a family going a variety of games that were shown off at the Natal Experience this morning.

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The third one shows a father driving as his wife and daughter looks on (thanks, Evil Avatar).

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Expect more details to drop on Kinect, like possible confirmation of a November launch, as well as a price for it later tonight at MS's main E3 press conference.

Details are here.

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