Interaction with Last Guardian's "eagle" is central to gameplay, says Ueda
The large, winged creature in the superb Last Guardian E3 trailer is in fact an eagle, Fumito Ueda told IGN, and this eagle, and you're ability to get it to do things for you is central to gameplay.
From the piece:
Interacting with the eagle appears to be one of the central aspects to the game. You're free to touch the eagle whenever you like. Its reactions will differ depending on where you touch it.
There's a care aspect for the eagle as well. You can feed the eagle and remove spears and arrows that have pierced it. Ueda feels that the development staff will have to take care to strike a balance and make sure the care aspects do not becoming a chore.
Also, if you think that it's a rather strange looking eagle, then you'll find Ueda agrees with you: "It's important that it be 'a strange creature,'" explained Ueda. "We made sure and not make it too balanced."
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