Humble Store's 'End of Summer Sale' discounts over 1000 games
If you like cheap games, you'll be wanting to head over to the Humble Store today.
Right now, Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones is totally free, and loads of other games are discounted. It looks like the deals will change every day, which means that the page is going to be worth checking every day for the next few weeks.
The full list of discounts is available on the front page of the store. Here are some of the highlights of today's deals:
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition ($3.74)
- Super Time Force Ultra ($5.09)
- Tesla Effect ($3.99)
- Audiosurf (99c)
The vast majority of games come with a Steam code, while some provide you with DRM-free copies, or even Android builds. 10% of all profits will be donated to the Wikimedia Foundation.