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Home patch 1.4 is live, adds LittleBigDerby and other goodies


Sony has released patch 1.4 for Home, and it slyly added a LittleBigPlanet paintball game to it right under our noses.

Basically, it's a shooting range called LittleBigDerby where Sackboy shoots paintballs at targets. The more you hit, the more points you earn, thus allowing your racer to progress faster towards the finish line. You can also play with up to seven other people.

Other changes in Home, which were revealed last week include: new voice chat, grouping, wardrobe updates, character stats, more streamlined menus, and cross-invite support.

Sony has provided a massive list of Home updates, changes, and additions through here, as well as some important information regarding the installation of the patch.

You'll want to have a read before installing it.

You'll also want to check out the EU PS Blog, which has more details on new content for Home this week, including some really nice screenshots.

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