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Holy Invasion of Privacy gets copyright-friendly name change, sequel delayed


Hey there, Holy Invasion of Privacy. It's been a while! And you're looking great, as always. But something's different about you.

It's your hair, isn't it!

Our keen powers of observation, it would seem, have grown a tad rusty. Unfortunately, Holy Invasion of Privacy isn't sporting a stylish new 'do, but something is different. That thing is the game's name. Where "Badman" once smirked and fired-off a mock salute at Internet memery, "My Lord" now stands.

Apparently, ol' Badman "had a conflict of interest with an existing IP" and came out on the losing end of that little tussle. Which IP that was, however, we'll probably never know.

The sequel -- now known simply as What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?! 2 - has been delayed until May 4 as a result, presumably to remove any references to a certain caped crusader. The first game in the series has also been removed from PSN for the time being - probably for the same reason.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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