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HMV has already recieved loads of DSi pre-orders


The senior games buyer for HMV says the chain has received "substantial pre-orders" in-store and online for DSi, and expects more over the weekend.

"We're all really excited about what we can do with this product in store and are working closely with Nintendo on some great launch day plans", Toby Burton told

"The price will sit very well with consumers, and we'll be communicating the key benefits of the DSi to our customers to reinforce the excellent value of this product."

Burton said he felt that despite having two Nintendo handheld models, there is plenty of room for both on the market.

"I think the price difference is enough to really give the consumer two clear options when deciding on purchasing a console.

"Those that want the core gaming experience but are worried about spending too much money will still come out and pick up the DS Lite as it represents excellent value for money."

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