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Battlefield 4 - PS4 & Xbox One servers get better netcode this week

The experience of playing Battlefield 4 on 32-player servers is about to get better on consoles.


As a result of the testing and experimentation DICE LA has been doing with the community in Battlefield 4's CTE, the game has seen various improvements, not the least of which its netcode.

The tickrate has been increased for a while now on PC, and the same is happening to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The new update brings the tickrate to 45hz, instead of 30hz, on all 32-player servers on new consoles.

DICE announced the change via a forum post, but said players shouldn't expect the same to happen to 64-player servers.

"We did see issues for both players, and sometimes the server in certain circumstances in our testing – even at small tickrate increases," the developer said about servers with higher player counts.

The improved tickrate means bullets register better and faster, measured at around 11ms per action decrease in networking delay, according to DICE.

DICE will roll out the new tickrate first to a small number of US servers tomorrow. Monitoring it for a couple of days, the developer will release it to all on February 11.

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