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"High fidelity neuro-system" controller to be shown at GDC

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Image credit: VG247

Here. We think this means someone's going to show some kind of brain-reading game controller at GDC later this month, but that would just be daft. Hang on: that is what it means.

Emotiv Systems' device is described as "a high fidelity neuro-system that redefines the realm of human-computer interaction". Lord save us. The headset apparently provides opportunities for development with various software suites, including "The Expressiv suite, which can identify facial expressions in real-time, the Affectiv suite, which measures players' discreet emotional states, and the Cognitiv suite, which detects players' conscious thoughts," according to that Gamasutra report.

The GDC showing is a launch event, so pricing information should be available this month. It's the beginning of the end. They'll be stealing your credit card numbers by mind control and laughing at your stupid sex thoughts next.

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