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Here's a look at the Overwatch Winter Wonderland skins, maps, emotes and more

The Overwatch Winter Wonderland event is live, and we've posted a look at the skins and the wintry maps for you below.

Watch on YouTube

Arekkz gives you the rundown on everything included in the event above, so be sure to give the video a watch. In it, he goes over victory poses and the voice lines as well as some of the emotes such as: McCree's Hat Trick, Mei's Snowman and Zarya's Mystery Gift. The intros included are Symmetra: Snowflakes and Widowmaker: Under the Mistletoe.

Below, let's take a look at the skins and the maps which have seen snowfall. Well, Ecopoint Antarctica is always snowy, but the aurora australis - the southern hemisphere version of the aurora borealis - looks to be rather vivid.

Overwatch Winter Wonderland Skins

Andes Lucio (Epic Skin)

Scrooge McCree (Epic Skin)

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Mei-rry Mei (Epic Skin)

Frostbite Pharah (Epic Skin)

Shiver Reaper (Epic Skin)

Rudolph Roadhog (Epic Skin)

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Peppermint Sombra (Epic Skin)

Santaclad Torbjorn (Legendary Skin)

Jingle Tracer (Legendary Skin)

Yeti Winston (Legendary Skin)

Frosted Zarya (Epic Skin)


Nutcracker Zenyatta (Legendary Skin)

Group Shots, etc.

Overwatch Winter Wonderland Maps

King’s Row


Ecopoint Antarctica

The Overwatch Winter Wonderland event kicked off today and runs through January 2. Along with the event going live, some bugs were addressed with the update, and the changes to Symmetra have been applied.

We'll have more on the update should any extra information becomes available.

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