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Here are some free Toy Pokémon unlock codes for Pokémon Rumble World

We have a few unlock codes for Toy Pokémon that you can redeem in Pokémon Rumble World.


The codes can only be used by European accounts, but they have multiple uses. Pokémon Rumble World is the free-to-play Pokémon game which came out last month on Nintendo 3DS.

Each Toy Pokémon and their moves are listed next to the code. One even comes with a special surprise.

  • Pikachu - code: 70403360 (Thunderbolt & Volt Tackle moves)
  • Inkay - code: 26665300 (Night Slash & Psycho Cut moves)
  • Turtwig - code: 70959041 (Synthesis & Razor Leaf moves)
  • Wurmple - code: 79075980 (String Shot & Poison Sting moves)
  • Treecko - code: 92293728 (Mega Drain & Energy Ball moves)
  • Charizard - code: 52378511 (Fire Blast & Dragon Claw moves) + Lizardonite X Mega Stone
  • Froakie - code: 77394523 (Water Shuriken & Bubble Beam moves)
  • Heracross - code: 32542580 (Megahorn & Close Combat moves)
  • Hitmontop - code: 67997111 (Close Combat & Counter moves)
  • Chansey - code: 87337896 (Soft-Boiled & Double-Edge moves)
  • Vaporeon - code: 23871470 (Hydro Pump & Aqua Ring moves)
  • Flareon - code: 18985769 (Fire Fang & Lava Plume moves)
  • Jolteon - code: 03339202 (Thunder Fang & Discharge moves)
  • Swirlix - code: 75842984 (Drain Kiss & Play Rough moves)
  • Cubchoo - code: 43777681 (Icy Wind, Ice Punch moves)
  • Riolu - code: 43522297 (Force Palm, Reversal moves)
  • Dedenne - code: 31587215 (Nuzzle, Thunder Shock moves)
  • Ralts - code: 25826431 (Psychic, Drain Kiss moves)
  • Meowstic male - code: 38676454 (Psyshock & Disarming Voice moves)
  • Kangaskhan - code: 01346893 (Mega Punch, Dizzy Punch moves)
  • Hydreigon - code: 80501954 (Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush moves)

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