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Hearthstone: Boomsday Project guide - best decks, tier list, more

The Boomsday Project is Hearthstone's thirteenth expansion if you include all of the Adventures released for the game, and it's a card set that turns once more to the kind of Mech-fuelled mayhem that powered 2014's Goblins vs Gnomes expansion.

You can expect the usual mix of new cards, new keywords and single-player content with Boomdsay, and in this guide we've rounded up every last scrap of information you need to know about what's coming next for Hearthstone.

Our friends at sister-site Metabomb will be providing comprehensive guides coverage for all the new and updated decks that emerge in the new meta too, and we'll be dropping in links to those articles once the expansion is under way.

Hearthstone Boomsday Decks

Now the expansion is fully underway, here's the best Boomsday Project Meta and Experimental decks:


Meta Decks

  • 1. Malygos Druid - Malygos Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Token Druid - Token Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Taunt Druid - Taunt Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Togwaggle Druid - Togwaggle Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 5. Big Druid - Big Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Mecha'thun Druid - Mecha'thun Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Treant Druid - Treant Druid deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Spell Hunter - Spell Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Big Hunter - Big Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Secret Hunter - Secret Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Deathrattle Hunter - Deathrattle Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 5. Mech Hunter - Mech Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Bomb Hunter - Bomb Hunter deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Tempo Mage - Tempo Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Control Mage - Spell Damage Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Elemental Mage - Elemental Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Exodia Mage - Exodia Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Freeze Mage - Freeze Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Hand Mage - Hand Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Spell Damage Mage - Spell Damage Mage deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Odd Paladin - Odd Paladin deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Mech Paladin - Mech Paladin deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Secret Paladin - Secret Paladin deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Mecha'thun Priest - Mecha'thun Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Combo Priest - Combo Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Deathrattle Priest - Deathrattle Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Dragon Priest - Dragon Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Malygos Priest - Malygos Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 5. Mech Priest - Mech Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 6. Quest Priest - Quest Priest deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Odd Rogue - Odd Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Tempo Rogue - Tempo Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Deathrattle Rogue - Deathrattle Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Miracle Rogue - Miracle Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 5. Kingsbane Rogue - Miracle Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 6. Pogo-Hopper Rogue - Pogo-Hopper Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Malygos Rogue - Malygos Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Quest Rogue - Quest Rogue deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Even Shaman - Even Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Token Shaman - Token Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Shudderwock Shaman - Shudderwock Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Elemental Shaman - Elemental Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Aggro Shaman - Aggro Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Malygos Shaman - Malygos Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Mecha'thun Shaman - Mecha'thun Shaman deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Zoo Warlock - Zoo Warlock deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Control Warlock - Control Warlock deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Cubelock - Cubelock deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Even Warlock - Even Warlock deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Mecha'thun Warlock - Mecha'thun Warlock deck list guide (Boomsday)


Meta Decks

  • 1. Quest Warrior - Quest Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Odd Warrior - Odd Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 3. Mech Warrior - Mech Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 4. Control Warrior - Control Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)

Experimental Decks

  • 1. Big Warrior - Big Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)
  • 2. Mecha'thun Warrior - Mecha'thun Warrior deck list guide (Boomsday)

Hearthstone Boomsday New Keyword: Magnetic

To add a little extra spice to the many Mech minions that are being added to Hearthstone, there'll also be a new keyword called Magnetic.

Certain Mechs will include this keyword, and when played you'll have the option to fuse it with another friendly Mech. All health and attack stats are combined as part of this process, and any other effects and abilities are likewise melded together.

If you want to play the Magnetic minion as a separate character, pop it to the right of any active Mechs you have on the board. If you want to merge them together, pop it to the left. Nice and simple.

Omega Cards

A new category of card is being added with Boomsday called Omega cards. These cards have a middling Mana cost and boast solid enough stats in their own right. If you play them in the late-game when you have ten Mana Crystals in the tank though, they gain an additional, very powerful effect.

Note that not all of Hearthstone's heroes will gain an Omega card. Druid's are a notable exception here, as they possess too many ways to reach maximum Mana much more quickly than other heroes can, and so could potentially become imbalanced.

Legendary Spells

If you ignore the Quest spells that were introduced with last year's Journey to Un'Goro expansion, Legendary Spells have never appeared in Hearthstone before. That's changing with the Boomsday Project, and each hero in the game will be getting its own supercharged spell.

The Rogue, for example, gets Myra's Unstable Element. This 5-Mana spell draws the rest of your deck into your hand when played - potentially a huge play when both players are in the late-game with little fuel in the tank.

New Single-Player Content: Puzzle Lab

After the releases of Dungeon Run and Monster Hunt, Blizzard has decided to shake things up a little bit for the single-player side of The Boomsday Project.

This time around, you'll have to solve a number of board-state puzzles in an area of Hearthstone called The Puzzle Lab. Expect 120 puzzles in total when the mode goes live.

There are four different categories of puzzles to solve:

  • 1. Lethal - This requires you to destroy the opponent from a tricky position.
  • 2. Mirror - In these puzzles you'll have to perfectly mirror the opponent's board-state.
  • 3. Board Clear - Here you must obliterate the board of any minions that are present.
  • 4. Survival - Use all the healing options you can find to survive the onslaught.

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