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How do you beat the Bassus boss fight in Halo Infinite?

Show Bassus who's boss

Halo Infinite’s Bassus is a badass Banished Brute ready to smash Master Chief with a Gravity Hammer at a moments notice.

Stand up and face him head on and you’ll just get squished in one hit.

To defeat Bassus, you’ll have to make smarter use of your environment and combat abilities to slip through his clutches and deal damage at a distance.

Unlike in the previous melee fight with Chak’lok, you can just rely on your Threat Detector and run laps around a single pillar. At the beginning, Bassus’ boss arena is simply too small of a space to kite him effectively, but if you’re having trouble turning tail and running away there are a few things you can do.

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How do I beat Bassus in Halo Infinite?

The most difficult part of the fight with Bassus initially is the confined space you find yourself in overlooking the Excavation Site.

In the cramped corridors, Bassus will close the space between you quickly and introduce Master Chief to his Gravity Hammer face first.

To get around this, you can run behind you and out through the corridor into the larger hangar space behind you. This gives you more space to run laps in and, crucially, the advantage of elevation.

Use your grappling hook to quickly open up some distance between you and Bassus, then get some shots in to weaken his shield. As he stomps around the hangar, you can also shoot the explosive barrels of ooze for some extra damage.

Try to maintain a constant pressure of shots on his shield so it doesn’t regenerate - literally one hit will do - but you need to remember to whittle down his shield and not focus too much on running away.

It's a difficult balance, since he can launch himself at you from startling distances. But remember, if you're hit, run away to avoid dying.

Another effective method to deal with his shields when you have a clear line of sight is grenade spam, especially sticky energy grenades and stun grenades that let you empty a clip or two without reply.

Move in a circle around the hangar, turning and grappling away whenever Bassus gets too close or you get hit, and wear down his health from a safe distance. Eventually, with the help of explosives, he should be defeated.

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