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Halo 5 - see the first Infection gameplay footage

Infection mode comes to Halo 5 with the next update. See how it plays.


Halo 5 developer 343 recently announced that the zombie-themed Infection mode will return to the shooter with the upcoming Ghosts of Meridian update.

Speaking to Game Informer, the studio explained some of the changes being made to make Infection in Halo 5 stand out from the rest, while retaining the mode's original feel.

You'll no longer have pistol starts, as the developer feels the current pistol is too strong for the mode, and could mean the first infected will have a much harder time singling out non-infected players. Instead, you'll start with a shotgun. The usual aids available the infected still apply, and all settings can be changed in custom matches.

You can watch a couple of rounds from both perspectives in the video below, courtesy of Game Informer.

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Ghosts of Meridian releases later this month.

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