GTA 4 looks absolutely stunning at 4K
GTA 4 has a lot of life left in it on PC, with modders still unlocking the potential of Rockstar's epic.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is a good looking game but it's nearly a whole generation older than GTA 5. Nevertheless, modders are still working to help the older game look as good as it can - and in some ways it does rival its younger sibling.
Take the video below, which recreates the game's opening cinematic, but upscaled to 4K resolution. If you have a monitor or TV capable of displaying it, do up the resolution on the YouTube embed and see it in all its glory. GTA 5 can't do that (yet; just wait for the PC release).
This video was created using the latest release of iCEnhancer, which has unfortunately been put on hold as its creator is 100% done with the poisonous fan community.
Thanks, CVG.