Gorgeous Sonic fan project releases demo, is pretty much the best thing ever
Hey, uh, Sega? Hoo-boy, this is awkward. So we're kind of seeing someone else now.
Sonic Fan Remix, as it's known, is going where no recent Sonic project has gone before: to a place that makes some friggin' sense. In a nutshell, creators Pelikan13 and Mercury are aiming to give classic Sonic levels an HD makeover. And that's it. No floaty physics, no funky slowing effect.
The newly released demo includes three levels from Sonic 2's Emerald Hill Zone, each lovingly recreated with the Magical Future Tech that's now at our disposal. In short, it's gorgeous. In not-so-short: holy gee golly gosh wow oh gracious me my she's my cherry pie wam bam thank you ma'am awful Sonic Heroes theme song slowly fading from our memory. Download it here.
Or, if you're the type who only watches videogames - even when a free demo's staring you right in the face - feast thine eyes upon yonder Youtube theatre viewing device.
Thanks, Joystiq.