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Gears 2 not influenced by Predator 2

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You see, Cliff, this is where you went wrong. Cliff Bleszinski’s been talking to MTV about Gears of War 2's film influences, and specifically said that Predator 2 wasn't one of them.

“[The Empire Strikes Back] is the obvious one that everyone goes to, because it’s darker,” he said. ”Dark Knight as well — doing what the first one did but also having a darker twist on it and going places the first one wouldn’t have had the ba–s to go and also doing everything on a larger scale.

"I think Aliens is also a great one. Seeing dozens or hundreds of Locust pouring out of a hole, whereas in the first Alien, it was just an alien, basically. … I wouldn’t say Predator 2 or Robocop 2 or any of those. Although we do have our share of ’80s Stallone and Schwarzenegger winks and homages and whatnot.”

A trick's clearly been missed here. The game could have had the bit where the woman cop shouts, "F**k! They're dying, man!" at the beginning. Or a Locust whispering, "Danny boy." Or a massive gang-banger saying, "S**t happens." Or a Gears 2 King Willy saying, "Him from the other side!" with his sex face on. Or...

And for the record. The "spiritual warrior" bloke is clearly Billy out of Predator.

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