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Gazza is Wii addict, says Sun

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This is about the Friday afternoon level. "Troubled soccer legend Paul Gascoigne has yet another addiction – to his Nintendo Wii," said this.

"Gazza, 40, has been spending hours on end locked in a hotel room playing on the computer console. He even pesters staff to play against him. The ex England star, who has battled alcohol problems, is recovering from a hip op and has been staying at a £240-a-night Newcastle hotel. But he stays in to play bowling, tennis and boxing games which involve making physical movements to strike a ball or punch with a hand-held controller.

"A hotel source said: 'He hasn’t been out of his room for days.'"

He hasn't been out of his room for days because he can't walk. Not because he's addicted to Wii Sports. This country.

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