News EndWar boss - PC and console difference is about "hit-driven" market, not design Aug. 3, 2009 Patrick Garratt
News Strategy boss: Listening to hardcore audience has killed RTS sales Oct. 27, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Halo Wars and voice comms wouldn't be a good mix, says EndWar boss Oct. 24, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Ensemble would have survived if Microsoft had confidence in PC sales, says de Plater Oct. 10, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Ubidays 2008: Barrage of Ubisoft impressions and interviews hit web May 28, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Ubidays 2008: Endwar will have "the most epic battles ever seen in videogames" May 28, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Ubidays 2008: Endwar players can be supported by units from other Clancy games May 28, 2008 Patrick Garratt