Article GET TO THE POINT | VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.43: The best game that takes ten or more hours to get good A sewage pipe that leads to an ocean. March 17, 2023 Jim Trinca 1 comment
Article HOKEY COMPUTER | VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.33: The best game that could have been made by an AI Humans have wondered for decades if artificial intelligence will lead to their doom, but could it have invented DOOM? Jan. 6, 2023 A Potentially Nefarious AI
News Spore designer offers post-mortem on project, team was essentially making five games at once Oct. 1, 2013 Dave Cook
News Origin offering Mass Effect, Dead Space for £3, Bulletstorm for £7.50 Jan. 31, 2012 Johnny Cullen
News Wil Wright still involved in the Spore franchise, is now an EA consultant April 21, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Spore 360/PS3 would have to have the "right design" to be considered, says EA Jan. 22, 2009 Mike Bowden
News Spore DRM ban comments made by "over-zealous community volunteer" Sept. 25, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News EA shows less than 1% try to install Spore on more than three PCs Sept. 17, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Wright reponds to Spore reviews, says sales matter more than scores Sept. 7, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Spore designer offers post-mortem on project, team was essentially making five games at once Oct. 1, 2013 Dave Cook
News Origin offering Mass Effect, Dead Space for £3, Bulletstorm for £7.50 Jan. 31, 2012 Johnny Cullen
News Wil Wright still involved in the Spore franchise, is now an EA consultant April 21, 2009 Stephany Nunneley-Jackson
News Spore 360/PS3 would have to have the "right design" to be considered, says EA Jan. 22, 2009 Mike Bowden
News Spore DRM ban comments made by "over-zealous community volunteer" Sept. 25, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News EA shows less than 1% try to install Spore on more than three PCs Sept. 17, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News Wright reponds to Spore reviews, says sales matter more than scores Sept. 7, 2008 Patrick Garratt
News PC Games gives Spore 73%, talk of release date online embargo emerges (updated) Sept. 2, 2008 Patrick Garratt
Article GET TO THE POINT | VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.43: The best game that takes ten or more hours to get good A sewage pipe that leads to an ocean. March 17, 2023 Jim Trinca 1 comment
Article HOKEY COMPUTER | VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.33: The best game that could have been made by an AI Humans have wondered for decades if artificial intelligence will lead to their doom, but could it have invented DOOM? Jan. 6, 2023 A Potentially Nefarious AI